Hi, I'm Donita.
I ski, run, climb, play piano, and write about the mountains- my muse. I am a granddaughter of Dr. John and Donita Verdere Fatland, the daughter of Tracy, mother of Zulu, and partner of Justin. I have lost 2 fathers in my life- I was Kent's daughter first, but Leroy's at heart.
I was born in Idaho and raised in Iowa. Pieces of my heart are scattered across the world, places I've loved and explored- the plains, high desert, Great Lakes, wild rivers, the Tetons...
Living what feels like many lives in few years has brought me here- to Above Treeline.
I'm glad you're here too.

Above Treeline
Why Above Treeline?
The mountains are my muse, and traveling with them and within them feeds my soul. The land above the treeline feels sacred, where only the hardiest species and craziest adventurers explore. I have left pieces of myself up high, and return to them in times of need and reflection. Of course, these wild places are the deepest well of inspiration I've ever found.
I believe that words are art; a common denominator throughout my life has been love for written word, and the connection shared through lines of text.
I have stories to tell and thoughts to share... and hope that if just one person leaves this website inspired, I'll have fulfilled a dream.
We may not all be able to be Above the Treeline often or at all, but I aim to bring that experience, feeling, and emotion to you here. ​
I hope you enjoy.